January Mission Focus - Blue Grass Benevolence Fund

The mission focus for the month of January is the Blue Grass Benevolence Fund.

Every now and then, we  get calls from people looking for assistance. Our hope is that Blue Grass Church would always be a place where those in need can find care and comfort. The funds  collected this month will be used to help address some of these requests throughout the year. Having access to these resources allows us to take action when we see others in need in our community. The mission field isn’t just some place ‘over there.’ Sometimes it’s right outside your front door.

Please consider how you might be able to contribute, beyond your regular giving to the church, to support the ministry of caring for others in our community. You can give using the baskets at the back of the Worship Center, online at bluegrass.church/give, or using the Blue Grass Church App available on Android or iOS.

Thank you for being a church with a heart to meet the needs of our community!