Bicentennial Mission Focus

Wells Update Video

Our Mission Focus for our bicentennial year is raising funds to build wells in Nigeria in partnership with Mishpael Fountain Ministry.

Blue Grass Church has been a ministry partner with Mishpael Fountain Ministry since before it's official launch. We've offered our prayers and financial support as Gideon and Esther Achi and their team have worked to build relationships, restore lives, and bring reconciliation between Christian and Muslim populations in northern Nigeria.

One of the key ways Mishpael Fountain Ministry pursues their mission is through the construction of water wells in underserved communities. These wells become a source of vitality and connection in the communities they serve, and have fostered healthier relations in areas that have a history of division and conflict

As we celebrate our 200th year as a congregation, we want to take the opportunity to continue to show our support for this ministry in a way that honors our church legacy of community, connection, and care.

To that end, in 2024, we're challenging the congregation of Blue Grass Church to fund as many water wells as we can through Mishpael Fountain Ministry.

Every $3500 donated to the 'Bicentennial Wells' fund represents a community that will receive the gift of easily accessible, clean drinking water, and all the opportunities that come along with access to such a fundamental resource.

Blue Grass Church has always been a congregation focused on community and with a heart for the world. To the glory of God, let's continue to see that story written in every well built and see how many communities can be changed as we give of that which God has given us!

Go HERE to donate today! Be sure to select the 'Bicentennial Mishpael Wells' fund to ensure your donation goes to this mission project.