Daily Devotional - March 4-10

March 4-Meditating on God’s Word
Here is the passage for the week:
Acts 5:12-16, The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade. 13 No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people.14 Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. 15 As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.

Praying the Word: “Lord Jesus, we discover that You were powerfully at work in the early church. Everything You did during Your ministry was being done by You through the apostles. The church is Your body and presence in the world. Filled with Your Holy Spirit, we are a continuation of everything You do. Your plan and purpose were to bring heaven to earth. Our mission is to participate with You in accomplishing that eternal goal. There are many who have great need so we ask that You would give us Your love and power to reach them, heal them, encourage them, strengthen them, and set them free from the bondage in which the find themselves. We surrender ourselves to be used by You in such a significant way that brings new life to others and offers much praise and glory to You. Amen.”

March 5-Meditating on God’s Word
Write out the Scripture.

Acts 5:12, The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon’s Colonnade.

Observe what it is saying.

Solomon’s Colonnade was a large porch in the court of the Gentiles on the eastern side of the temple mount. The believers had moved outside the inner courts to accommodate the growing crowd. Josephus, a Jewish historian, provides a detailed description of the colonnade: “The colonnades were all double, the supporting pillars were 37.5 feet high, cut from single blocks of the whitest marble, and the ceiling was paneled with cedar. The natural magnificence of it all, the perfect polish and the accurate jointing afforded a remarkable spectacle, without any superficial ornament either painted or carved.” The believers met in this architectural marvel that was inspiring in itself. How did they cut these huge columns of marble from a single block, move it from the quarry, and erect it in place? This covered space was beautiful and inspiring but also met a practical need as they needed a place out of the elements to gather and grow together.  

Relate it to your life.

We are grateful for our house of worship and the generosity of those who made it possible.

Do something. 

“Lord Jesus, thank You for a beautiful gathering place to worship, study, and fellowship. Amen.”

March 6-Meditating on God’s Word
Write out the Scripture.

Acts 5:13, No one else dared join them, even though they were highly regarded by the people.

Observe what it is saying. 

Luke speaks of three groups of people and their response to the Sanhedrin's warning and to the fear that came as a result of Ananias and Sapphira's deadly fate. In yesterday’s verse 12, the first group of Christians continued to faithfully meet together in Solomon's Colonnade. In today’s verse, the unbelieving Jews ("no one else") were reluctant to associate too closely with the Christians for fear of what might happen to them. They were fearful of the religious leaders’ threats and didn’t want to take any chances of being found to be with them, even though they had a very positive view of this caring fellowship. (The third group is in tomorrow’s verse.)   

Relate it to your life. 

What’s my comfort level in being known as belonging to the fellowship of believers? 
Do something. 

“Jesus, fill me with Holy Spirit courage to be “all in” with You and your Church. Amen.”

March 7-Meditating on God’s Word
Write out the Scripture.

Acts 5:14, Nevertheless, more and more men and women believed in the Lord and were added to their number. 

Observe what it is saying. 

This is the third group of people referred to from yesterday. In contrast to those who refused to join them, many men and women came to believe in the Lord and were added to the church fellowship. This apparent paradox, between no one joining them and the many who did, shows that the church’s growth was not superficial but came from those who were thoughtful, weighed the cost, and became deeply devoted followers. The pruning of bad growth, like Ananias and Sapphira, produced new, good growth that bore much fruit. There are three responses to the gospel: Those who believe and join the fellowship of believers, those who refuse to do so, and believers who choose to faithfully follow Jesus each day.  

Relate it to your life. 

I have a choice to make today and each day in following Jesus.  

Do something. 

“Jesus, I choose You! I choose the body of believers. I choose to follow You today. Amen.”

March 8-Meditating on God’s Word
Write out the Scripture.

Acts 5:15, As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. 

Observe what it is saying. 

In this verse, we find how Jesus is continuing to powerfully work through the apostles. Because of Jesus’ healing presence, we discover how the apostles’ reputation drew awe and respect from the people. It’s important that we understand the shadow did not possess magical powers, but, as in the case of the woman who touched Jesus’ robe and those who were healed by Paul’s handkerchiefs, the healing resulted from their faith. Those who were healthy brought the sick to be healed. If we’re sick, may we trust in the healing power of Jesus, and if we’re well, may we look for ways to bring others to Jesus to be healed for what they most need. If we do so in no other way, we can bring them to Jesus through prayer.  
Relate it to your life. 

May my faith in Jesus rise to the challenge for not only my own well-being but for others as well.  
Do something.

“Jesus, give me seeing eyes and a willing heart to bring others to you to be made well. Amen.” 

March 9-Meditating on God’s Word
Write out the Scripture.

Acts 5:16, Crowds gathered also from the towns around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those tormented by impure spirits, and all of them were healed.

Observe what it is saying.

Just as it was during Jesus’ ministry, the influence and outreach continued to grow. Word was reaching into neighboring towns so those tormented physically and mentally were being brought by family and friends. The healing of body and mind was the generous grace of God continuing to be poured out by Jesus through the apostles. However, there was a higher purpose to convince people that these miracles were from the same Godly origin of their proclaimed doctrine of resurrection and salvation. They were given ample visual evidence that heaven had come to earth to set them free spiritually as well.    

Relate it to your life. 

God’s generous grace is available to heal our tormented minds and hearts. 

Do something.

“Jesus, I ask that Your grace would release me from any and all torment I face today. Amen.”